First Visit

For The Parents

Many parents do not realise that kids should have their teeth checked regularly, even if they are baby teeth. It is recommended that every child has an introductory dental visit within 6 months of eruption of the first tooth and before they are 12 months old.

You might think this is a little early. But it is when we see children early, that we can assess each child’s risk of developing tooth cavities. We can then suggest preventive steps specially tailored for your child’s needs.

If your child has an urgent complaint, then we would also assess the complaint and discuss with you the treatment options available for your child.

Filling up forms are never fun but by completing our records, you will allow us to serve you better.

For older children, our Children’s Dentist may recommend X-rays (Radiographs) to help us ‘see’ areas, which are not visible to the naked eye. This will help us detect cavities early. This may allow us to treat early decay without drilling or fillings.

For The Child

Many a time, we see the child for the first time when they are in pain. We understand, your child may be anxious as well. For younger children, we will require one parent to be present in the treatment room. For older children, aged 5 and above, it is best that we see the child by themselves.

Many studies have shown that when parents are anxious themselves, then the child will also tend to reflect this anxiety. Parents can remain as passive observers, allowing us to communicate and explain procedures in a manner your child can comprehend.

kids dentistry

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